Monday, October 17, 2011

Big Book: Chapter 4 We Agnostics part 1 (pages 44-50)

I've already started reading through the Big Book and am on Chapter 4. When I finish, I will go back and write about Dr.'s Opinion-Chapter 3.

"We found that as soon as we were able to lay aside predudice and express a willingness to believe in a Power greater then ourselves, we commenced to get results, even though it was impossible for any of us to fully define or comprehend that Power, which is God" (pg 46)

God is so big, so full of wonder, majesty and mystery. No one can understand Him or His plans or His works. But I see all of His beautiful and complex creation around me and I see so much that I have no control over, like the sun rising and setting everyday, the trees and flowers blooming every Spring and leaves changing colors and falling off the trees every Autumn. I see people healing and being cured from serious illnesses and I see people's lives being completely turned around from poverty to prosperity. I've been in several different scary experiences where I could have died or been seriously hurt, and I'm still here healthy and injury free.  I see so many things around me that I can not explain or do myself and so I am willing to believe that there is a Power greater then me.

My Dear Heavenly Father,
You are so mighty and powerful. Your hand is on everything that happens in the entire universe, yet you are gentle and kind and you know and love little ol' me. I am not worthy to receive all the gifts you give me but your grace is enough for me. Thank you for your many blessings. Every breath I take is million miracles in itself. I pray, Lord, that I would be honest with myself, open to Your words and willing to accept your greatness. Keep me humble and may I do thy will always. Amen

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